10th October 2019

Making the switch from screen time to green time

It’s time to reconsider the value placed on communal outdoor spaces where kids can run around in more natural settings, get dirt in their mouths, get their heart rate up and reduce massive strain on the public health system caused by non-communicable diseases, such as asthma, allergies and obesity.

Play is a fundamental part of childhood and kids need places where they can run, jump, tumble, sweat and connect to natural elements.  Across Villawood communities, we have sought to create engaging open spaces that our residents actually want to use.

For the kids, this includes adventure play areas with challenging structures and natural materials, to entice them away from computer screens.  Sure, there’s an element of risk with the monkey bars or the slipery dip, but that’s half the fun!  Better to have a grazed knee or blisters, which heal, as opposed to a lifelong health struggles linked to sedentary living, such as diabetes, obeisity and cardiovascular conditions.  There’s also the psychological benefits for kids getting out and getting active, which are covered in the recent episode of Destination Happiness.

The best outcome for us all is healthier and more resilient kids, but by focusing too heavily on mitigating risk, councils may overlook how wrapping them in cotton wool is contributing to a greater issue.

You can view more fantastic stories from Destination Happiness on Channel Nine on Saturdays, 12pm on Channel 9 and Sundays 10am on 9Life, or any other time on 9Now