29th April 2024

Navigating Homeownership: A Personal Journey at William Lakes

Amidst the maze of options in the search for the perfect place to call home, sometimes it’s a trusted recommendation that lights the way. For Abhaya and Jacob, that guiding light came from their home advisor, Paul Mezzina from ABC, who pointed them towards William Lakes. Charmed by the meticulously crafted masterplan including lakes, and the allure of the residents only club, they knew they had found more than just a plot of land—they had found a community.

Abhaya is a dedicated primary school teacher, while Jacob extends his compassion as a disability support worker, the importance of proximity to their workplaces cannot be overstated. Their roles demand not just physical presence, but emotional investment, and being close to home ensures they can seamlessly navigate the demands of their careers while nurturing their personal lives.

The Care Worker Support Program served as a beacon of hope on their journey towards homeownership.

Beyond its practical benefits in securing their future home, it provided a financial security during a significant milestone in their lives. As they embark on this new chapter together, every penny saved is a blessing.

For Abhaya and Jacob homeownership isn’t just a checkbox on life’s to-do list; it’s a gateway to a future possibilities. As they envision starting a family and nurturing the next generation, owning their own home isn’t just a dream—it’s a tangible step towards building the life they’ve always imagined.

Ready to embark on your own personal journey to homeownership at William Lakes?