20th October 2023

Meet Max, our Sunbury Ambassador Heart Kid

In February 2011, during a 20-week pregnancy scan, doctors discovered that Max would be born with congenital heart disease (TOF). Max’s journey began when he was transferred to the RCH ICU immediately after birth.

Max underwent seven heart surgeries, including six open-heart procedures and two surgeries on his diaphragm. The first open-heart surgery took place when Max was just six days old, followed by another life-saving procedure at the tender age of three weeks. His medical journey continued with surgeries at 6 months, 12 months, and a cardio catheter procedure at 11 years old. The most recent chapter unfolded with his sixth open-heart surgery on March 1, 2023.

Max’s resilience shone brightly in the face of ongoing complications. At three weeks old, his oxygen levels plummeted to a precarious 30%, leading to a life-saving operation. During this challenging time, he spent three critical days connected to the ECMO Machine. The situation was so dire that his family arranged a christening at the hospital, uncertain of what the future held. Against all odds, Max persevered, and on the fourth day, he was taken off the ECMO—a day etched in their hearts as a remarkable triumph.

Today, Max continues to require regular check-ups with cardiologists, with the likelihood of another open-heart surgery looming on the horizon, perhaps 8 to 10 years down the road.

Reflecting on this arduous journey, Max’s mum, Magda, shared that it had left a profound impact on their family and life as a whole. During their hospital journey, HeartKids stood as a beacon of support and care. Magda expressed her gratitude, stating that “HeartKids was one of the first organisations who helped us during our journey in a hospital. We will be grateful forever. Absolutely amazing support.”


Join the Two Feet & a Heartbeat Charity Walk at Redstone on Sunday 29th October.