23rd February 2021

Country Comfort through COVID

Villawood’s performance in the regions and country towns through COVID has been tremendous, as more and more people look to sea change and tree change lifestyle offerings.

ABS figures show a stampede from capital cities, with their biggest loss on record of people to the regions. Quarterly figures show a total 11,247 people exiting Australian capital cities, including 4700 out of Melbourne.

Geelong has experienced surging out-of-town inquiries as well as ongoing strong sales, to the point that civil works are flat out to match the demand clamoring at our sales offices.

Armstrong Mount Duneed is the premium heart of the Armstrong Creek growth corridor recently described by Hotspotting’s Price Predictor Index as “supercharged” for price growth – one of only two local markets in Victoria to be named. At the same time, Geelong’s top-end Wandana is almost sold out, Coridale sales are flourishing and Sanctuary is sold out.

Our Bendigo office is going gangbusters, with sales up 300 per cent over the COVID era and numerous estates selling out.

At Ballarat’s Drew’s Paddock, we’ve partnered with the Midlands Golf Club, and likewise at Ararat’s Chalambar Links, with the adjoining golf club. Both are helping spearhead residential, demographic and economic changes, as newcomers seeking out the areas look for a better standard of residential living.

Numerous country towns from Woodend to Warrnambool, Moama and Leopold are embracing the superior Villawood model community and design. At Woodend, we’re seeing the start of a sustainable housing model we believe will become a key mainstream player in the near future.

Lonicera is the mouse that roared – a 12-lot project with a big heart and the harbinger of bigger things. It boasts minimum 7.5-star energy efficiency together with detailed design guidelines prescribing rainwater re-use, energy and water-efficient appliances and fittings.

Energy-efficient, all-electric homes powered by solar are on the increase as people seek bill-busting, higher performance, comfortable and healthy housing that stay naturally warm in winter and cool in summer.

The great inroads we’ve achieved with water and power savings at our breakthrough Aquarevo community really are the start of much bigger things to come.

Keep your eye on the country. It’s a great testing ground for what will inevitably become much larger factors in designing how we live in the future.