16th August 2021

Coridale Newsletter - Edition 5

It might be a chilly winter right now, but it’s all stops out at Coridale as our beautiful Lara precinct starts to take shape.

With titles sorted in Stages 1, 2 and 3 back in June, we’re starting to see some real action on the ground. With more titles forecast in September and October for Stages 4 and 5, respectively, Coridale will soon be a veritable buzzing hive of industry.

There’s even the possibility that these titles will be earlier than forecast.
Our development team is watching this closely and will update all purchasers in Stage 4 and 5 again during the month of August.

Coridale was the first residential project in the new Lara West precinct to obtain permits, start civil construction and then open for building!

All of which is fantastic for purchasers keen to build their dreams and enjoy everything the Coridale lifestyle will have to offer.

Coridale is also on track for more exciting things to come:

  • A super 30-home Display Village opening in Q1 2022.
  • Construction on our brilliant $6.5 million resort-style Club Coridale will get under way in Q2 next year as well.
  • A very sleek architect-designed suite of small and affordable homes, VillaRange, is headed Coridale’s way too. Again, more soon.

So no winter of discontent here. But rug up just the same, it is a bit cool outside. And if you’re looking to join our happy troupe at Coridale, get in touch with us today!

We guarantee you a warm welcome.

Josh Fraser
Coridale Estate Manager

We’re excited to share an update on all things construction at Coridale!

Stage 1 – Titled June 2021.

Stage 2 – Titled June 2021.

Stage 3 – Titled June 2021.

Stage 4 – Roads have been asphalted, street signs installed and lots topsoiled. Authority inspections and testing will be undertaken during July and August 2021. Titles are anticipated in September 2021. One month ahead of schedule!

Stage 5 – With asphalting, line marking and lot topsoiling all completed in July 2021. Authority inspections and testing for this stage will be undertaken during the months of August and September 2021. Titles are anticipated in October 2021, 3 months ahead of schedule!

Stage 6 –  Construction has now commenced, with titles currently anticipated in Q2 2022.

Stage 7A –  Construction is anticipated to commence in Q3 2021, with titles forecast Q3 2022

Club Coridale – Planning is in full swing and we’re excited to share an online interactive vision with you very soon! Stay tuned!