24th April 2023

Club Life: Live Longer, Live Better

Want to live longer? Well, an active lifestyle combined with optimism, purpose, and within a solid community, is increasingly linked to lower rates of illness, loneliness and dementia.

Your social life is important not just to your quality of life but also to how long you live. Belonging to a group where people share similar interests can be critical. These all point to longer, happier lives. And don’t we all want that? For ourselves, our family, our friends.

At Villawood, we’re playing to longevity. We’re already seeing the shorter-term benefits every day in our Residents’ Clubs and our parks and playgrounds. But we’re playing the long game. And that game is all about bringing people together.

This might happen in café or the gym, maybe the mums catch-ups in our clubs, or kids and their mates in the swimming pools or belting it out on the tennis or futsal courts. It might happen in the different in-house groups that start up in our Residents Clubs. Cycling groups, book clubs, gardening groups, whatever.

Thing is, these catch-ups, activities and outings are all important to maintaining your friendships and networks – and, in the process, your mental health, a positive outlook on life and a solid sense of purpose to your life.

So looking to build a new home should really be about much more than finding a good block at a good price. Sure, those are important but when you’re making the biggest financial decision of your life, one which will fully affect your life, you really should consider the community where you’ll be living that life.

Villawood’s masterplanned communities are designed specifically with these matters front of mind. If you’re thinking of building a new home, do yourself a favour – think a Villawood masterplanned community with its Residents’ Club and its many features.

It might just be the best thing you ever do.