23rd November 2023


Blazing firesticks and fireballs, a brilliant kaleidoscope of flashing colour and dance, heaving drumbeats booming through a circus marquee … welcome to Villawood’s Alamora Diwali celebrations. 

Eight hundred people turned out for the Festival of Lights – a melting pot of community, culture and tradition. 

Bollywood dancers, belly dancers, henna artists, silk scarf acrobats, dance workshops, traditional clothing stalls, mouth-watering food and giant ladybug stilt artists each brought their own magic to the evening. 

Kids running, jumping, dancing, embracing the sounds, beats, delicious smells. Adults and parents were similarly mesmerised by this vibrant Festival of Lights’ energy, colours and music.

Villawood’s Alamora Diwali celebration united neighbours, friends, family and the wider community. 

“A resident whose parents were visiting from India, thanked me and said this felt like a celebration in India,” says Alamora estate manager Sree Datti.

“Elderly parents visiting from India to support their children move into their new houses is quiet a common thing but over a period they start to miss India, especially when it comes to festival celebrations. These particular parents were so happy to see all the dancing and fun celebrating the festival.

“Another felt he made the best decision buying here. He said if a developer can organise something like this for their estate, it shows how much they care about building that estate into a friendly neighbourhood.

“He recalled when I presented him the estate, and suggested ‘Why Choose Villawood’, that this is now the action proof.”