2nd February 2023

Care Worker Program Supports Local Scenic Rim Couple

South East Queensland care workers looking to break into the property market are being given a helping hand as Villawood extends its Care Worker Program to the sunshine state.

Villawood launched the scheme in Victoria in 2018 and it has been rolled out across our communities helping hundreds of essential care workers get into the property market to date.

Eligible care workers working and living nearby Eucalee can benefit from a $10,000 rebate on a block of land within the estate. We have already had two buyers in Stage One take advantage of the offer.

The first buyers to benefit from the initiative are a local couple, Lyndley and Clover, both of whom work for a not for profit operating in the region. They have secured a 648sqm block of land at Eucalee enabling them to build a home within the community they have served for the past 22 years.

They told us that Villawood’s community minded approach, commitment to maintaining green open space and the generosity and care shown during the sales process ticked all the boxes for them. They shared the below with us:

“We are really grateful and blessed to have stumbled across Eucalee and this initiative. The Care Worker Program was a welcome surprise – we were quite taken aback when they mentioned it to us. It was quite an overwhelming thought that we would have an opportunity to build a new home in a new estate, and the financial savings thanks to this initiative alleviated concerns about any extra costs that we may incur with a new build in this market.”

“The community will be made up predominantly owner occupiers which sets it apart from other communities that we looked at. We found further comfort after visiting two of Villawood’s existing communities – Sequana at Logan Reserve and The Surrounds at Helensvale. The community values they promote are being upheld, and the estates are lush and green which gave us reassurance that Eucalee is the right choice for us.”

Care workers, such as teachers, healthcare professional and emergency services personnel, provide essential services and we want them to be able to live and work in our communities, contributing to the rich social fabric that essentially delivers long term value to our residents.

Register your interest by filling in the form here to find out how you can save $10K on your new home.