Get Help From Next Door

THE community is being urged to get involved with an online platform which is helping people doing it tough during the coronavirus lockdown.
The Angel Next Door website has been set up to help vulnerable members of the community with shopping, medicines, chores and other basic needs.
Website ambassador and songstress Kim Cooper, who is a full-time carer for her dad, said that simple gestures would be appreciated.
“We can’t all save the world right now but we can definitely make a positive difference to our little slice of it,” Ms Cooper said. “It can be as simple as cooking a meal or doing a grocery shop for someone in your street who needs a little support.”
Villawood Properties has erected large steel letters spelling ‘#angelnextdoor’ near the Geelong Ring Road at Wandana Heights to alert passing motorists about the initiative. “This is a wonderful idea to connect people who need help with people who’d like to help,” Villawood’s Rory Costelloe said.
Website designer Aamir Qutub said he built Angel Next Door, which in 10 days has garnered 3000 users, in response to a flurry of social media groups wanting to help residents and businesses. Check it out here:
Originally published in the Geelong Advertiser on 14th April 2020.